An exhibition of illustrations to three story-poems by Christian Hege based on lesser known Grimms Fairy tales.
Sumarborgin 2022 Joint exhibition by the title “Illustrated Worlds” with Sólveig Eva Magnúsdóttir sponsored by the Sumarborgin fund of the city of Reykjavík. Opening Party 1pm Saturday 9th July, closing Sunday 10th July.
In co-operation with the soprano Berta Dröfn Ómarsdóttir, Falleg í framan /What a beautiful face was an exhibition of Tinna's illustrations and Berta's short film with the same name where she filmed Tinna while creating an illustration inspired by Berta and guitarist Svanur Vilbergsson's performance of three art songs by Hildigunnur Rúnarsdóttir and Þórarinn Eldjárn.
An exhibition at Act alone theatre festival at Suðureyri 2022. Inspired partly by the covid period. A solo performance on a wall telling the story of a little soul who learns that when pain is ignored, joy is superficial and if joy is overlooked pain is a melodrama.
Following a residency at Jónshús in Eskifjörður Tinna exhibited a summary of her work at Þórsmörk in Neskaupsstaður
Tinna's debut exhibition was called Yes, please and was held at Hlemmur square 2020
Since 2020 Kaktus expressobar has sold a selection of Tinna's prints